Exciting updates from the SOPHOS project! We recently gathered for an engaging Interim Review Meeting, hosted at Unibap’s facilities in Uppsala, Sweden. The main topic of the meeting was to decide on critical details for the demonstrator to be built during the spring. With our goals aligned and a clear path ahead, we’re excited to […]
The SOPHOS project has completed the first periodic review! The project has made good progress in the first 18 months, which was reflected in the reviewers’ positive comments. The project will continue to work towards addressing the critical comments, which were well justified and helpful, in the coming months. A big thanks to the European […]
Sophos partner Unibap attended 4S Symposium 2024 – Small Satellites Systems and Services between 27-31 of May. Sophos was represented and a SAR demo showcasing the PPU’s performance was displayed in the booth. Unibap exhibit booth at 4S Symposium 2024
During Rolf’s poster presentation at EUSAR 2024, a few of the consortium partners were present and came to visit. The partners in the picture are (from the left): Michele Martone (DLR), Rolf Scheiber (DLR), Nicola Gollin (DLR), Oskar Flordal (Unibap), Benita Gornicka (Unibap), and Mathias Persson (Unibap).